
  • Master 12 Lifeskills

Knights and Squires

Are you chivalrous? Can you, like Arthur, pass the 12 tests of chivalry and become confident and happy within yourself? In a world where others may be eager to tell you what is wrong with you, let us together discover what is right about you. What do you bring to your personal life, your community and your world?

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • Where do I fit in?
  • How do I find and keep good friends?
  • How do I get others to like me?
  • How can I get what I really want?
  • Have you ever felt like your parents really don’t understand you?

Become the winner you are destined to be, regardless of who you are, or the life situation in which you find yourself. Become your own best friend so that you can be a good and valued friend to others. Learn how to make good choices. Experience the joy of being your best self.

Our learning modules present opportunities to learn and experience the 12 qualities of chivalry, then show you how to use these qualities in the living of your life. This is the foundation of Merlin’s Code and at its heart is love. We mention this frequently and practice it confidently.